A 58-Card Guidance Deck to Connect You with the Wisdom of the Yin
"One of the most intuitive, 'heart-shiningly' accurate and beautiful decks I've ever held." —Emily
The Second Edition is now available for order!
🦋 Would you like to purchase the original painting of your favorite card in the deck? Contact artist Yael Bernhard directly here: [email protected].
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The Birth Canal
about 2 years ago
– Tue, Nov 22, 2022 at 09:26:26 AM
When working with oracle cards, there are lots of different spreads, or meaningful arrangements of the cards, that you can use to seek guidance. (Just Google "oracle spreads" and you'll see what I mean.)
And then there's the spontaneous spread.
Or the spread you didn't know was there until you see it jump out at you.
It started with me noticing the Liminal card.
Just to set the scene, I was doing my morning practice of qigong, in front of this table (which is in front of a window out onto the street). Qigong is in itself an oracle of archetypal movement. It can mean different things on different days as it moves and changes your energy.
So as I tuned in to the LIminal card, the form I was practicing took on this meaning as well. And as I looked at Yael's illustration, I saw how it looked like this woman was actually going through the birth canal. She is being squeezed in this narrow, fluid passage, head down. She can't go back, and she doesn't know what's ahead. But she is about to be born.
I brought this feeling and movement into my qigong form. "That feels good. Just right for the moment I am in today," I felt inside.
Then I widened my view and saw that this fluid, birthy, upside-down woman was flanked by two very strong, tree-figure cards: Grounding and Non-Negotiables. What great support for birth!
Above, like an angel, was Embodiment, a card which has healing at its center (although Healing is another card in the deck.)
Below The LIminal is this deck's title card. To me it represented this deck as a manifest object in the world. That birthing woman is heading straight towards it! And in my "corners" (clockwise order) are Self-Reverence, Integrity, Self-Knowledge and Surrender.
Beautiful, helpful meaning all around.
What do you see for yourself in this spread?
The One Man in the Deck
about 2 years ago
– Mon, Nov 21, 2022 at 01:04:22 PM
The one man in the deck is The Divine Masculine. Although truth be told, even though this is a depiction of a man, he represents an energy that is in all of us, regardless of gender. And the card itself shows us the "playmates" of Yin and Yang.
The polarity dance between the sexes is real, whether it takes place in the workplace, in intimate relationship, among family members. But at its essence it is an energetic dynamic that exists in nature—and exists within each of us.
We may try to avoid encountering one of the polarities in our lives or in ourselves. But this is impossible because they only exist in relation to each other. The Yin does not exist in a vacuum; it only exists in relationship with the Yang.
These energies are relational!
We cannot fully be in our potency without knowing how to dance between, with and as these polarities. This is where our practice of cultivating and embodying these energies as honest aspects of ourselves comes in.
The "divine" expression of the Yang and the Yin is its exalted form; an archetype of the healthy and fulfilled embodiment of the energy. As humans, the divine is a form of perfection we sense and reach for, but it is not quite ours. Instead, we can touch the archetype and its vibration can show us both our light and our shadow. And our growth and learning continues...
Listen as She Speaks to You: The Language of the Body
about 2 years ago
– Sat, Nov 19, 2022 at 01:46:09 PM
Let's Talk About Your Sexual Energy
about 2 years ago
– Fri, Nov 18, 2022 at 11:19:35 AM
. . . but first a little update. I have just created a new pledge: two decks for $108, a total savings of $10. It's easy to upgrade your pledge if you want to spring for another deck!
Are there other pledge levels you'd like to see? Let me know!
Your sexual energy is vital to your life: it is the source of your creativity and your pleasure. It is an expression of your Essence. So it has a very important place in the Power of the Yin Oracle Deck.
You are invited to join me this Monday for my bi-monthly free online session, "Let's Talk About Your Sexual Energy." This is a great way to get a sense of my practice, the Power of the Yin, and to work with the deck—I'll be integrating into our session.
What will you experience in this session?
You'll be invited to get grounded, connect with your body, your sexual center, and your energy. It may include a few Power of the Yin practices. You may experience healing, opening, wondering, grief and delight. You may connect with a feeling of community, and perhaps even Grace.
Myprayers is that you will experience a sense of homecoming.
What if you're afraid or reluctant to share about your sexual energy?
This will be a safe space. You will be invited to participate and share however you feel most comfortable. This includes just being in the field, without needing to speak up.
Sexual energy can get out of control. Will that happen here?
This is not a session for titillating our sexuality--although you may experience a delightful arousal and awakening. My practice is to keep us all grounded in the Earth. And I bring the principles of simple, ordinary and natural to our sexual energy. It's as natural as a bee and flower!
Who is this for?
People of all genders and mature ages.
When is it,what does this cost, what is the commitment?
Two dates: Nov 21 and Dec 5
2pm US-ET/ 11am US-PT/ 6pm BST/ 7pm CET for one hour