
The Power of the Yin Oracle Deck

Created by Daven Lee

A 58-Card Guidance Deck to Connect You with the Wisdom of the Yin "One of the most intuitive, 'heart-shiningly' accurate and beautiful decks I've ever held." —Emily The Second Edition is now available for order! 🦋 Would you like to purchase the original painting of your favorite card in the deck? Contact artist Yael Bernhard directly here: [email protected].

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about 2 years ago – Tue, Nov 08, 2022 at 10:19:51 AM

Illustration ©D. Yael Bernhard

Risk is one of the illustrations Yael just completed (see yesterday's post) and it is part of a set in the Power of the Yin Oracle called Manifestation.  

The other cards in this set are True Yang, The Courage of Your Heart and Manifestation (the illustration for this card isn't finished yet, but I can tell you that it involves a baby and a tree!).

This is a Yang set of cards!  What is the Yang doing in a deck about the Yin??

As Daoism teaches, Yin and Yang only exist in relationship to each other.  They "harmonize" each other (Harmony is another card in the deck), keeping each healthy, true and in balance. Without the medicine of the other polarity, energy can become stagnant or excessive.

What does excessive Yin look like?  A smothering mother.  Roots rotting from too much water. Stagnation can be depression, a lack of motivation to move into action or to come out in the world. Hoarding.

This is where Risk comes in.  There is a moment when the internal work is done and it is time to burst forth.  Showing yourself in the world, being Yang, is always a risk.  You are exposing yourself, coming into the full light of day, and you cannot do it half-way—this is when you've got to be all-or-nothing.  There is an opportunity for incredible humiliation or failure.  But there is also the enlivening and inspiring experience of just acting from your place of Truth (also a card in the deck).  

Falling in love is a risk.  Speaking up or speaking out is a risk.  Showing your paintings, confessing your feelings—and having a Kickstarter for your passion project!—are all risks.  But they bring us into an intimacy with life that gives us energy and connects us to each other.

I love risk and I love being on my edge.  It makes me feel ALIVE.  But I've been pondering this question: What is the difference between a risk that depletes my energy and undermines my foundation versus a risk that asks me to grow, expand and be more true to my soul?

Can you feel this distinction in yourself?  

Is there any area in your life where it's time for you to RISK, "to show up as is, exposed, radiant and true?" Can you take the leap?


Lisa Papez has just done a "hot take" review of the Power of the Yin Oracle Deck.  You can watch it on YouTube here, beginning at time signature 50:27.  It's awesome!


Welcome new backers!  I'm so glad you are here. 💜

Five New Cards!
about 2 years ago – Mon, Nov 07, 2022 at 08:52:32 PM

Dear Friends,

Today Yael sent me five new finished illustrations for the Power of the Yin Oracle Deck.

It is such a thrill when I receive new card artwork!  Having only seen sketches and discussed ideas, I am always astounded by the full LIFE of the finished paintings.  They are always beyond my wildest expectations.

I want you to experience this thrill with me!

The five cards that I received today are The Divine Masculine, Love, Risk, The Courage of Your Heart, and Your Sexual Energy.  Although these cards are from different sets in the deck, it's so powerful to group these together! Very fiery!

Illustrations ©D. Yael Bernhard

What do you think of these?  Which one(s) pop out for you?  Let me know in the comments below!

Tomorrow I'll share more detail about these cards.  In the meantime you can view them and read the card text that goes with them on my website here.

A Taster of the Inbox Retreat
about 2 years ago – Sun, Nov 06, 2022 at 07:00:14 PM

Self-Cultivation. Image ©D. Yael Bernhard

Thanks to the prompting of one of my backers, I have created the "Power of the Yin Inbox Retreat" pledge as an add-on.  This means you can add it to any of the other pledges.  You can also update your existing pledge and add it on as well.

What is the "Inbox Retreat"?

This is a weekly email featuring one Power of the Yin Oracle Card (both sides), and a guided meditation practice audio recording that goes with that particular card.

It's a way to experience the Power of the Yin Oracle at a deeper and felt-sense level.  

It's an opportunity to slow down and shift your energy.  

It's an invitation to embody the Power of your Yin.

Here's a taster of the Inbox Retreat for the card Self-Cultivation.

Let me know what you think!

P.S. A terrific new review (our third!) of the Power of the Yin Oracle Deck has just come out on YouTube.  Watch it here--and share it with your friends!

Let's Get Grounded
about 2 years ago – Sat, Nov 05, 2022 at 02:38:47 AM

Illustration ©D. Yael Bernhard

This card shows a woman standing like a tree—becoming a tree!  Her legs become trunks branching and extending down into root systems in the earth.  Her knees are slightly bent to keep her pelvis steady and her root chakra at the perineum in relationship to the earth.  Her hands are gathered at the level of her ovaries, containing her procreative energy.  Her heart is open, her shoulders are relaxed and she has a serene yet clear expression on her face.  Energy radiates from her in bold REDS.

This woman is ready for anything.  She is connected to the source of the Earth.  Her energy is gathered and available in her center, and she is even relaxed.  She is emanating.

When you are highly sensitive and strong, grounding must be your first step. With your sensitivities, it is all too easy to fly up and away and become disembodied. Then your actions and presence become unfocused, unreliable and ineffective.

I invite you to take a moment now and stand in this stance.  Take in the transmission in the words and image of this card.  Let your breath become easy in the belly; feel yourself settle, and connect to the wise and constant presence and support of the earth.  Collect your energy in your dantien (your lower belly) and relax while maintaining your alertness.

How do you feel now?


I was inspired to write about this card today by our latest review by Wicked Moonlight.  Watch it here. 

The Themes of the Power of the Yin Oracle
about 2 years ago – Sat, Nov 05, 2022 at 02:38:34 AM

Without having a chance to hold this deck in your hands first, you, my backers, are supporting this project from a feeling.  What faith!  It's what this deck is all about!

It is my beautiful task to communicate what you will receive, what you might experience and how this deck might enhance your life.

And so, inspired by two recent reviews of the deck, I have created this list of the themes of the Power of the Yin Oracle Deck.  I hope you are as excited by seeing this list and thinking about the potential impact of this deck on your life as I am!

Thank you!

Watch the reviews:

Candy Soul and Soil

Wicked Moonlight